Sunday, May 21, 2006

Yard Work Day

Saturday was a day of yardwork. We had to clean out the beds to prepare to plant the daylilies that Captain Mom had picked out for the house. We recruited the Boy and put him to work.

Captain Mother, in her pregnant state, couldn't do much digging, but she was in charge of directing and keeping everyone company. She also made a slurpee run in the afternoon. She decided which daylilies would go where, and then we were in charge of planting them.

It was a big job getting the beds cleaned out and prepped for the daylilies. We had morning glory all over the place, and it was really hard trying to dig down and get the roots out. I'm sure we didn't get it all, but we hopefully got enough of it.

These are the poor shrubs that got removed from the bed to make room for the flowers. I always feel bad pulling out plants, but we think that the new flowers will look very nice when they grow in. We put the stragglers out at the curb, where they now await getting hauled off in the truck.

This was the other casualty of the day. It is hard to tell, but it used to be a little stone bunny in the beds. Unfortunately, as I was mowing the lawn in the morning, I bent down to pick something up at my side and accidently ran over the bunny. I scalped him, and he now resides in the garbage. So we are also looking for some new animals to live in the garden. It is a perilous job, as it turns out.
Cicada and Viper were at the house, on the couch.

La senorita was also there. She likes to have her picture taken.

I got Captain Mother some serving bowls.

El Senor made Captain Mother a very special card for her birthday. We try not to read anything into the fact that he crossed out 'Warm regards'.

And then El Senor bit La Senorita.


We all went to the Marketstreet Broiler for Captain Mother's birthday on Wednesday for dinner.

After the Broiler, we all came back to the house for cupcakes, because cupcakes are special. They are also hard to write on with gel pens. The shoes cupcake was part of the present, since Captain Mother is getting new shoes for her birthday.
Captain Mother blew out all the cupcakes with a single breath. I think the baby was helping.

Captain Mother got a necklace from Cicada.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Here is another look at the main room in the house, from the kitchen.

Here is mom and the bean.

This is our new couch in the living room. We got it for cheap at an estate sale. We are going to recover it with some new fabric for cheap, because right now it is ugly. But, it is a comfortable couch.

This is a picture of the living room and the dining room. We are going to be putting the TV on the wall right above the fireplace, and then we will move that chest behind the ugly green couch.
This is another shot of the living room area.
This is a picture of our wood floors. We went with Maple when Grandpa scared me off of cherry. We are happy with the way the floors look, and Grandpa is happy that they are not maple and they are not full of dings that all have names.
This is our bedroom with the vacuum cleaner. We painted it green in March. I've cleverly taken the photo so you don't see the fact that we have no crown molding up and that it is chewed up and will look bad until we get it up.
This is our bed in our green bedroom. You can't see the ridiculously heavy armoire that K made us carry all over and is finally in the bedroom. It will not leave the bedroom.

More Pictures

We had our bathroom remodel done by a contractor we'll call Bozo. Bozo was a learning experience for us all. Bozo liked to come over and do a mediocre job in his sparetime. Apparently Bozo didn't realize that if that was what we wanted, I would have done it myself. We are glad to be done with Bozo, if not with the consequences of having a Bozo do the work.

In spite of Bozo, we are happy with the job and like our bathroom. We will paint it ourselves, and are thinking of doing it in Red.

This is a shot of our new baseboards. Len the family contractor is putting them up. As you can see, Len is not a Bozo. Len sees a problem and finds a unique solution to do the job right, even if it takes some time. When Len finds problems, Len fixes problems, instead of covering them up and leaving them for someone else. After working with Bozo, we've discovered that we really appreciate working with Len.

Mother's Day Present

Ootsie wanted to see pictures of the house and the family. She accuses me of never getting pictures to her. So for Mother's Day, we are creating a blog of pictures! Pictures of Houses! And babies! And her kiddies! So then she will be able to see them whenever she wants. Happy Mother's day, Ootsie.

This is our dining room and the rug in our living room.