Sunday, September 24, 2006

Bean in a Pumpkin

We found another good use for our Halloween/Fall soup terrine that we got from Tinker and Tom. This was all Senor's idea, suprisingly enough.

Senor thought the whole thing was rather funny.

Bean fit right into the pumpkin patch.


Senor and Cicada brought a special present over for the family yesterday! It was the Bean's first package. He did not like it when Senor put the package on him. He got rather upset with him.

Bean kept an eye on the Senor after that.

Then we went to the living room to open up the package.

And it turns out the gift was a petanque set! It turns out that that is why the Bean didn't like having the heavy package put on him. He seemed to like the balls okay. But, he was still watching Senor.

Bean's Super Powers

Bean is a bit of a cuddle-bug, as Mom says, but is particular about being cuddled. This is one acceptable method.
This is another acceptable technique. Standing and walking is preferable.

This is Bean's first demonstration of the power he is capable of. Mom and Dad were duly impressed and horrified at the same time.

First Trip to the Zoo

We went to the zoo on Monday for a neighborhood activity. Mom sang in a little choir. She was a very good sport to volunteer her talents.

It was sort of cold, so we bundled up Bean for the evening. It was one of his first nights out in a toque.

We also got to go for a train ride around the zoo as a family. This was the buffalo. Bean seemed a little indifferent to the whole event. Dad wanted to go again.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Few More From a Wintery Salt Lake

We woke up on Saturday morning to a snowy, wet lawn. Hard to believe that we are heading into the fall. But the snow was certainly a reminder. We had to turn the heat on for the first time. You would think we were back in Timmins.

But, we were warm and all smiles inside. Bean got to put on some of his warmer, wintery clothes.

More smiles.

We also got some shots with Bean and the elephant. He just keeps getting bigger.

Bean is definitely in a new weight class.

More fun times

Bean had fun playing with Uncle Senor at his new condo last Sunday. He thought it was all pretty funny.

Uncle senor is always willing to help out with a good pick. Get those nasty boogers out so that he can sleep at night.

Uncle Senor also offers personal training at a very affordable price. You can even come to your sessions in your p.j's.

Uncle Hash Baz also stopped by for a little visit when he was in town.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A few more

This is the new color that we painted the den. We are glad to finally have the yellow painted over and our happy with this one.

Here is Captain Mom showing off her handiwork. We will put on the second coat tomorrow.

We had Grandpa come over for a visit today. The bean was unhappy since he appears to be teething and not napping as well during the day. But, we were able to get a few good pictures of Grandpa and the Bean in the new orange chair.

Here is another one.

New Pictures are Up

We've had a bit of a hiatus since Mom and Dad were out here visiting. But, we've got more pictures to put up for them since they left. It is getting harder to tell which one is the elephant. He is definitely getting bigger since we last put pictures up.

Someone was very happy last night. Aunt brat likes to think it was all because of her. He was smiling very big for the camera.

Here is Aunt brat and the bean, so happy together.

Does he take after Dad's side of the family?